What is a stalker Meaning of stalker – News

C’what is a stalker ? Meaning of stalker

Technology is an invaluable aid in our time, this fact is undeniable, but there are situations that arise from its use, especially in relation to privacy and its relationship with social networks.

In this sense, a lot of’The terms “Stalker” and “Stalkear” are words that have been used in the past and are still used today’s invasion of the’but we don’t know what their true meaning is.

If you want to know more about this phenomenon, in addition to the fact that the stalker does not have to be a stalker, you should know that the stalker is not a stalker’They can get advice on how not to become a victim of this type of harassment’If you are a user, all you have to do is to continue reading it’article.

C’What is Stalkear ?

The word “Stalkeo”, or action of “Stalkear”, words that come from the distortion of the English term “Stalker”, whose closest meaning is stalker or stalker, and refers to the practice of monitoring through social networks, mainly Facebook and Twitter, the movements of a user’another user, using for this purpose some tricks such as the’It is therefore possible to say that a stalker has no access to the service where the person to be spied on posts, but with the help of other users they achieve their mission’s other information’s identification, for example with a name’user.

We can therefore say that’A “stalker” is a user who uses social networks to spy on or monitor others’The most important thing is to know what other people are doing by using the Internet’s relative anonymity’Internet.

L’s main characteristics is that he constantly examines the publications that his victim makes in social networks’a stalker or a stalker is that’They often take their activity of stalking to the next level’s bullying’extreme, that is’s only purpose’They end up acting obsessively, which leads the stalking victim to come to know what is going on, and thus start to feel bad about the identity of the victim to harm him or her’comfortable, and even afraid.

In this sense, we need to differentiate between the stalker who remains anonymous, i.e., the stalker who is not a stalker’That is to say, the one who constantly examines the publications that his victim makes in social networks, but without the victim being aware of what is happening, and the one who crosses this extreme boundary, that is to say, the one who constantly examines the publications that his victim makes in social networks.

In some cases, stalking can become a compulsive and obsessive disorder for some people, which can lead to stalking that ceases after a while’To be virtual to pass to the real life, it is necessary to be virtual’That is, the stalker is no longer content to stay in the home’shadow of the’s anonymity and considers that’it must interact with the person who is the victim’object of the harassment.

In this way, the satlker can begin to harass his victim with comments in each of his publications, which may even become aggressive and violent over time. But even the stalker can resort to stalking’a real way, and thus exert an undesirable influence on the life of the stalker.

C’It is at this point that the victim is likely to begin to fear, as she begins to consider the possibilities that her stalker might cause her some sort of physical harm. C’That’s why we always have to consider the way of communication’We all are stalkers, using certain tricks to this end, such as the use of the Internet, to act in situations of cyberbullying or stalking, to avoid that the stalker has to go to the Internet’he only’act on it’true stalking.

It should be noted that’in general, in stalking, stalkers often use platforms such as social networks and email to carry out their plans, harassing their victims to the point of being killed’to what’they achieve their mission.

We are all stalkers.

Of course, the motivations that the stalker has for doing so are not always the same’The movements of users may have to start with this practice are numerous, and they do not have the same meaning as the term “stalker”’They do not always have bad intentions. A stalker may seek to humiliate his or her victim in front of others, a case that often occurs between ex-partners.

When this happens’This is the end that the stalker pursues, usually at some point, he will leave the user’s anonymity and will start to attack his victim with different methods. Basically, a person can stalk his ex-partner on social networks by posting private information, very personal photos and can even take the risk of being stalked’s identity to harm him.

However, despite the strong meaning of the term and its scope, a user can be considered a “stalker” without actually being a stalker, as this term is also used in social networks to name many other types of bullying’spies and curious people.

From those who only want to know what their ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend is like to the rest of the world’Direct stalker, there is a wide range of possibilities in the’The term “stalking” is used for all of these situations, but it only becomes a crime when the systematic stalking takes place and ends up doing real harm to the victim.

Can we say that we are all stalkers ? Have we ever been a stalker in our lives ? The answer to these questions is that we have surely already stalked someone’a.

The truth is that’it is more than likely that’s life as a member of a group’In order to use a social network, we have reviewed the movements of the Internet’The truth is that another user in order to get a job’learn a little more about his or her present or past life through the photos and publications posted on the service.

However, it is important to clarify that this does not make us stalkers, since this action is currently considered something “normal”, and even companies use this resource as something daily to process a job application.

Well, it is important to point out that even though we can all be considered stalkers, since we have already spent time spying on the online activities of other people, we are not the only ones’The truth is that cyberbullying is considered a crime when it is done by someone else’a person uses the Internet to cause direct harm to another person.

A clear example of cyberbullying occurs when’It is important to remember that a stalker reaches the point of creating a website or a profile on a social network with the name of the victim, because in this case, it is not a crime’is about stealing money’identity.

Let’s keep in mind that those who propose to stalk are not the only ones’Let’s keep in mind that those who propose to stalkearnos, thanks to the Internet, are the ones who have forgotten us’Internet today’today can access all kinds of information’personal information. Thanks to social networks, the stalker can know not only our name and our tastes, but also our date of birth, our routine and even our address and phone number.

The dangers of Stalkear

As we the’As we have seen, the “Stalkeo” can become a real crime, because there are sometimes stalkers who don’t even care about their ex’It is not necessary to stop to know what other users are doing for the simple fact of knowing what they are doing’But they can become very dangerous.

In this case, it is stalkers who use this technique to get money’s name, because in this case, it is not necessary to know what the victim is doing, and to develop all kinds of information’activities, such as creating fake profiles to discredit certain users or stealing personal information’s identity, among many others’other illegal activities.

Sometimes this type of stalkers can become dangerous, so that those who are victims is extremely important that in the certainty of’You can be stalked, for example, if you have been the victim of a stalker’a theft of’In the case of identity, immediately the relevant report must be made so that the justice acts before it is too late’it is too late.

However, there is another side of the coin, and that is the life of our ex’It is in cases where we become temporary and anonymous stalkers to frequently review what we have learned’the life of our ex for example.

This also involves some dangers, although less dangerous, of course, but it is a good thing. For example, it’is something that frequently happens to people who have stalked their ex on social networks because of the “like” in one of their posts’We can find things that we do not like or that make us feel bad, like seeing that identity, immediately the relevant report must be made so that the justice acts before it is too late’icon of the “I’It’s not just a matter of “likes” in one of the posts that the ex has made’it snoops.

But in addition, we must always keep in mind that we are not the only ones’s mind that’when stalking your ex, you may find things that you do not like or that lead you to be in a bad mood, such as seeing that your ex is not in a good mood’it has completely forgotten us.

Something worse can happen when we have stalked our partner’s cell phone, for example by checking WhatsApp messages. Let’s keep in mind’s mind that’we can find situations that our couple has kept secret, or even a love affair that we are victims of.

Faced with this, there is only one thing left to do’The question is: is it better to continue to ignore this type of situation, or is it better to know the truth so that you can act accordingly? ? The answer is unique to each person.

How to avoid’be a victim of’a stalker ?

Many people believe that only famous people can suffer from this type of harassment called stalking. However, as we’As we have seen, any common user can also be a victim of other personal data’a stalker, mainly due to the lack of caution in posting a picture of us on social networks.

With the rise of self-portraits, self-portraits taken with a cell phone camera, hundreds of thousands of photos are circulating on Facebook and Twitter, some very intimate or with deliberate poses that can attract this type of people, and therefore start with the surveillance of our person.

Fortunately, this can be avoided, as long as you change some habits and follow some of the tips below:

Never post your bank or credit card information. No data on the’where we live or work.
Before you’post a photo on a social network, examine it carefully to make sure that’it does not contain any elements to’identify where we are or d’other personal data. Of course, the system should not be allowed to automatically add the location to the league.
Take a close look at the permissions our contacts have to access information posted on social networks.
In the event that we are faced with the certain situation or suspicion that we are victims of’If you are a stalker, there are a series of guidelines to consider in order to take action against the stalker and thwart their plans.

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