How to promote mobility in the enterprise Le Geek Moderne
How to promote mobility in the company ?
Mobility in the workplace is advantageous for employers and employees. It allows, on the one hand, to take full advantage of the available skills. On the other hand, the initiative contributes to improving the work atmosphere by renewing the environment and the employee’s colleagues.
It thus contributes to the easing of possible tensions and the development of staff members.
What is corporate mobility? ?
It is important to encourage mobility within the company in order toimprove employee engagement and effectiveness. The concept is sometimes met with reluctance because of the changes involved. You will nevertheless gain in performance at the level of the structures or positions concerned.
In addition, you can easily manage mobile employees with tools such as Microsoft Dynamics solutions.
Basically, the notion of mobility implies the modification of the conditions in which a person carries out his job. It generally means a change of position (internal mobility) or employer (external mobility). Internally, mobility can be :
- Vertical (promotion);
- Horizontal (reassignment or functional mobility);
- Geographical (transfer).
Promotion provides access to a higher level position in the hierarchy. It requires a higher level of qualification or experience. As a result, this form of mobility is most often accompanied by a salary increase.
Horizontal mobility consists of putting an employee in a position equivalent to his or her former position.
Compensation does not necessarily increase.
Geographical mobility leads to a change of workplace for the employee. It can sometimes be associated with a promotion or a reassignment to an equivalent position. Everything will depend on the needs of the company and the motivation for the change of position.
That said, employees can also request job mobility for family or personal reasons.
Why you should encourage mobility in your company ?
The performance gain Horizontal mobility is the main advantage of promoting mobility within the company. For example, the employee will be satisfied if the change of position follows a personal request. He will then be more motivated and productive, because you have responded positively to his request. In this case, the reason provided can be a family reunion, an evolution of needs, a desire for change..
If the mobility is proposed by the company, it is an opportunity to move excellent opportunity for the employee. This change allows the employee to enrich his or her professional experience and possibly increase his or her remuneration. However, mobility can sometimes present certain disadvantages such as moving away from one’s family or changing one’s living environment.
The employee can nevertheless prove himself in this new position.
In addition to motivation issues, internal mobility allows you to limit the costs and risks related to recruitment. Hiring is effectively exposed to uncertainty and lack of competent candidates. By reassigning an employee, you will already be aware of the strengths and limitations of the chosen worker.
This approach also allows you to deploy the full potential of the different profiles available.
What to put in place ?
For Encourage mobility in the company, it will be necessary to set up a management in accordance with your global policy. Some managers find it difficult to let go of their team members. Therefore, they can become an obstacle to internal mobility.
However, there are various solutions to remedy this. You can for example:
- Rethink the management system by training team leaders to become coaches for versatile and mobile workers;
- Provide bonuses and other benefits to managers contributing to the internal development of a number of employees;
- Continuously review the objectives according to the employees’ movements.
Thanks to these initiatives, managers will be more inclined to participate in the mobility of their employees. It is also important to encourage listening within the organization. This way, the HR team will know the aspirations of each employee.
You can then consider reassignments or transfers that may match staff members’ desires.
Finally, internal communication is crucial to publicize open positions and encourage employees to apply. Among other things, this approach allows you to making the most of the available talents and existing professions. Moreover, such an approach reinforces the corporate spirit by privileging the people already present within the company.
Employees will feel indispensable to the overall business.